LETS work together

DonationS so far:  $008,192



By Olivia Fenlon, LNS Parishioner

Every year I volunteer my skills, services and time to a foreign country as part of my holiday abroad.  In July and August 2019, I spent just over a month in Timor Leste...



How much of my money goes to the cause?

Everyone who works for LETS is a volunteer. We receive no benefit other than the joy of knowing that our projects makes such a difference.

It makes a world of difference to these remarkable people of Letefoho. They are so capable of doing so much with so little!

Aside from a very small amount of money which goes to unavoidable fees to third party service providers (such as online payments fees), all money donated goes directly, 100%, to the cause.





The girls' boarding house is making a real difference to 46 students!

and the boys' Boarding house is now completed. There are some renovations to be made to the old part of the house, due to water damage, but it can now house 30 boys. Boarding houses provide students who live a long distance from  school a safe home, study support, light, warmth and food to help improve educational opportunities.

Thank you for the continuing great support of LETS and the people of Letefoho! Welcome to 2024 as LETS sees the completion of projects started in 2023 while continuing to support ongoing projects.

LETS help them build a better future

Our mission

LETS help them build a better future!

LETS is a non profit group of volunteers from the Catholic Parish of the Lower North Shore in Sydney. Through our charity and fundraising efforts, we are working hand in hand with the people of the Parish of Letefoho in East Timor to help build a brighter future for their community. Our support is focused on co-operative efforts to rebuild the foundations of a viable, thriving, self-sustaining community - organization of clean water, sanitation, education, local industry and communications.



for the people of Letefoho, lets make a difference.





2024 Student Sponsorship is now supporting 50 Yr 10, 30 Yr11 & 32 Yr12 senior high school students! 

LETS continues to sponsor 56 tertiary students this year, attending university, teachers' college, technical college and including 4 seminarians

 Sincere thanks to our wonderful sponsors who are truly making a difference to the lives of these students and their families. 

Fr Elio meets with Pope Francis

Wonderful news!

Fr Elio Fernandes, from Letefoho, was chosen from all the priests in Timor Leste to represent his country at the


Priests Sindol Meeting in Rome.

At the conclusion of the meeting he met with Pope Francis, who will be visiting Timor Leste in September this year.